Friday, September 29. 7:00 p.m.
“Valentín García Yebra” Municipal Library. Ovidio Lucio Blanco Assembly Hall (Ponferrada).

Dirección/Director: Isabel Medarde.
Producción/Production: Bambara Zinema.
Intérpretes/Cast: Isabel Medarde, Sara Potxemutxka, Silvia Oliden, María Oliden, Emma Delgado, Raquel de la Varga, Divina Quinina, Daniel L. Ferrero, Dani Mac Aks, Cristian Vergara, Marisa Oliden, Lourdes Oliden and Xirou Xiao.
87´ (Spain)
“The wonderful spiral tries to highlight the figure of the pioneers of cinema. Leocadia Cantalapiedra, since she was a child, has wanted to dedicate herself to cinema, but the social environment that exists in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century does not allow such adventures, reserved only for men. She travels to New York, with the support of her mother, where she will learn and feel very motivated by the cinema of such influential women as Lois Weber and Alice Guy. Determined to follow in her footsteps, she returns to Spain and adopts a man’s disguise and the name Nico, to film her first film, Zapatos de ella. Always hiding from her is not easy for her and tired of the society in which she lives, she decides to go to Paris at the beginning of the twenties, where the climate of freedom brought about by the end of the First World War seems to make it easier for her. to women. There she will meet two imposing women film directors: Musidora and Germaine Dulac, from them she will learn not only the trade, but how to confront the prejudices of the time and will finally achieve her dream of making a film with her own voice.