CINES LA DEHESA. OCTOBER, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th. 22.30 h.

Series of 4 films with proposals related to the thematic contents of the official sections of the Festival (Looks with special and architectonic conception, with a gender perspective, supporting disabilities and social reality).


Dirección/Director: Manuel Valcárcel
Producción/Production: Lucenza Films
Intérpretes/Cast: -
78' (España)

“340 millions of years ago, in Courel, something exceptional happened: Galicia was born from the collision of two continental plates. Nowadays, this unique landscape with a globally important Cultural and Geological Heritage is threatened. Abandonment, mega mining, and forest plundering devastate this ecosystem. During the first year of life of a little girl, the relation between the human being and nature is shown through time”.


Dirección/Director: Philippe Faucon
Producción/Production: Istiqlal Films, Arte France Cinéma, Rhône-Alpes Cinéma y Possibles Média
Intérpretes/Cast: Soria Zeroual, Zita Hanrot, Kenza Noah Aïche, Chawki Amari, Mendi Senoussi, Frank Andrieux y Yolanda Mpele
79' (Francia y Canadá)

“Fátima is an immigrant woman who lives in France with the intention of giving a better future to her two daughters: Souad, a 15 years old rebel adolescent and Nesrine, a young girl that has just started Medicine at University. Fátima will find some challenges in her life, for example, the language”.

Corazón gigante

Dirección/Director: Dagur Kári
Producción/Production: Blueeyes Productions, Nimbus Film Productions y RVK Studios
Intérpretes/Cast: Gunnar Jónsson, Sigurjón Kjartansson, Arnar Jónsson, Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir, Margrét Helga Jóhannsdóttir, Franziska Una Dagsdóttir y Sigurður Karlsson
94' (Islandia y Dinamarca)

“With 43 years old, Fúsi is a maladjusted person, overweight, who never had a girlfriend and whose only interest is the Second World War battles, which he reproduces in miniature version. One day he receives a coupon to attend a dancing school, where he meets Sjöfn, a lonely woman, like him, and severely wounded psychologically”.


Dirección/Director: Kohki Hasei
Producción/Production: Biennale College Cinema, Dorje Film y Simple Truth Productions
Intérpretes/Cast: Cydel Gabutero, Peter Millari, Jomar Bisuyo, Raymond Camacho y Ruby Ruiz
75' (Italia, Filipinas y Japón)

“Blanka makes a living robbing people in Manila streets. She dreams of saving enough to “buy” a mother. When she meets Peter, who is a blind gifted musician living also in the streets, her life takes an unexpected turn. They decide to join forces to face the small daily struggles”.

Sections Sponsors


Official Sponsors

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