From Tuesday 28 Nov. until Tuesday 5 Dec. 11:00h
Institutes and University Campus. PONFERRADA
Dirección/Director: Pol Penas.
Producción/Production: Farmamundi.
Intérpretes/Cast: -
35´ (Spain)
‘According to United Nations, nowadays, the Democratic Republic of The Congo is considered to be one of the worst places for women to be born. Temps D’Ecoute shows us the fight of Congolese women for the right to health. The objective is to break the cliché that represents the African women and societies as passive. FEPSI is an obvious example of an organized and activist civil society. A social fight that invites us to reflect on the genre as a determinant aspect in the right to health in the world.’
Dirección/Director: Raúl de la Fuente.
Producción/Production: Misiones Salesianas.
Intérpretes/Cast: -
21´ (Spain)
‘In Ciudad Don Bosco (Medellín) the Salesians host, help recover and accompany the underage who are set apart from the conflict, helping them overcome their traumas using the pedagogy of confidence. They exchange their fears for a desire of learning and they also teach them a profession so that they can be reinserted in society and reunited with their families.’