Fecha/Day: 01/10/2022
Hora/Hour: 19:00 h.
Lugar/Place: Municipal Library “Valentín García Yebra”. Assembly Hall Ovidio Lucio Blanco

Categoría/Category: Mobile Stories

Dirección/Direction: Roberto Sanz
Producción/Production: Roberto Sanz
Duración/Duration: 87´
País/Country: Spain

Synopsis: <<The journey is the reason for art>> Antonio Arias (Nick Lizard)

“A lo Largo del Camino” is a documentary film composed of four chapters, which narrate a series of trips made by its author Roberto Sanz through the Spanish geography between 2020 and 2022.

Twelve protagonists, as many stories and a series of trips made through seven Spanish cities (Ponferrada, León, Zamora, Salamanca, Madrid, Segovia and Granada) over a period of two years in order to reflect different impressions through the audiovisual format about art, music, literature and culture as well as the landscapes that marked his life in the past and have contributed countless experiences and experiences that continue to be present in his current creative work.

Conversations about Lorca, Enrique Morente, José Val del Omar, Paul Klee, abstract expressionism, contemporary art, the Apocalypse, or pop culture, make this film an essential historical document to broaden and complete our vision of the present, the past and future of art, music, folklore, tradition and culture, through an audiovisual tour “Along the Way”.


Biography (Roberto Sanz)

Roberto Sanz is an artist currently based in Ponferrada but who has lived and/or developed part of his career in the cities that appear in this documentary. He is a Bachelor of Fine Arts, draftsman, painter, sculptor, video-artist. He combines his artistic career with his work as a cultural manager, being the current president of the “Asociación de Pintores del Bierzo” He has made more than fifty individual and collective exhibitions in different museums, halls, and art galleries, since he began his career at late nineties. Recently, he has participated in the exhibition curated by the MUSAC “El Delirio de los Caballos. Visions of the Apocalypse in Leonese Cultural Centers”, an exhibition in which he showed some of his pictorial works belonging to the series “Raised from the Ruin”, creations inspired by some of the current armed conflicts such as that of “The Gaza Strip” (between Israel and Palestine) or the war between Russia and Ukraine. On this occasion, he presents us with a personal audiovisual project carried out alone and whose plot structure is halfway between video-art and documentary.