Fecha/Day: 29/09/2017
Hora/Hour: 19:00 h.
Lugar/Place: Assembly Hall. Culture Centre PONFERRADA

Categoría/Category: Free space

Dirección/Direction: Fritz Lang.
Producción/Production: U.F.A.
Intérpretes/Cast: Gustav Fröhlich, Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Heinrich George, Fritz Alberti, Grete Berger, Heinrich Gotho, Georg John and Olaf Storm.
Duración/Duration: 146´
País/Country: Germany

Synopsis: ‘Future, the year 2000. In the super-city of Metropolis society is divided into two social classes. The rich, who have power and mass-production means, surrounded by luxury, open spaces and gardens. However, the workers are forced to live under dramatic conditions imprisoned in an underground ghetto, where the industrial heart of the city is. One day, Freder, all-mighty Joh Fredersen’s son, the man in charge of the city, finds out about the rough working aspects of workers after falling in love with María, a woman who comes from a humble background and is worshipped among the low classes since she preaches about love and feelings. Ferder warns his father about the possibility of the workers’ riot.’


METROPOLIS. Full version renovated in 2010 with 25 unedited minutes.

After the cuts suffered by METROPOLIS after its release, Fritz Lang’s masterpiece had three relevant renovations. The penultimate one, which was finished in 2001 after a rough process of research in every film library in the world, had METROPOLIS AWARDED as the first film ever to be considered World Heritage by UNESCO.

In 2008, an almost impossible dream came true. A 16mm copy of the original film was found in Buenos Aires which despite its deterioration, kept 26 unedited minutes and the initial editing of the premiere. After a thorough and expensive process of restoration – which includes a new recording of Gottfried Huppertz’s original score, performed by Berlin Rundfunk Sinfonieorchester under the direction of Frank Strobel – the new METROPOLIS, 83 years after its premiere in Berlin, was again released as extraordinary and visionary as ever.

2017 will be its ninetieth birthday as a model of the dystopian and futuristic film of the silent era.