Since 1985, the activity of Videomaster Producciones de Ponferrada has focused on audiovisual production, from news, documentaries, social, corporative or institutional reports to commercials for films or tv.

Film Theme Series. TC3
El Bierzo audiovisual files. International day for the audiovisual heritage
Videomaster Producciones.

Assembly Hall. Culture Centre PONFERRADA, thursday, October 27th, 20.00h.

Memorias autorizadas de un castillo… En el Siglo XX

Dirección/Director: Jesús A. Courel
Producción/Production: Videomaster Producciones
Intérpretes/Cast: -
23' (Spain)

“Vicissitudes and happiness are part of the history of a castle during the 20th century in one city, Ponferrada, where it has had an important role in the daily life of the city.’

Monasterio de Carracedo

Dirección/Director: Jesús A. Courel
Producción/Production: Videomaster Producciones
Intérpretes/Cast: -
40' (Spain)

“In 1990, The Monastery of Carracedelo celebrated its 1000th birthday. Through its millennium, it has gone through periods of glory and destruction that affected its art as a whole. The works of conservation and restoration have slowed down the process of destruction since the seizure of 1836.’

Sections Sponsors


Official Sponsors

aytoponferrada jcyl